blogs are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to another mind.
actually, james russell lowell said "books," not blogs. books are the bees. but there's a lot of cross pollination i see going on as of late regarding bees themselves. a couple of days ago i posted about the beeswax vase, then i see over on chris's blog he's featured an artist by the name of aganetha dyck, who's been doing collaborative art with bees for years. she puts such objects as shoes, clothes hangers, and dolls into her bees' hives, uponwhich they create the most compelling wax and honeycomb sculptures.
when i visited miranda over at geegaw, i was reminded of the strange and inexplicably widespread bee disappearance which began last autumn. one of her readers put in a link to an interesting article on synchronizm concerning certain symmetries arising between honeybees and the sun.
listed in miranda's sidebar is a link to a wonderful blog called woolgathersome. her april 14th entry is all about the bee, and contains loads of links to other bee lovers, including jean henri fabre and rudolph steiner, the father of waldorf and biodynamic farming.
she includes as well a poem written by osip mandelshtam entitled "necklace of bees," which i would just like to put here also in its entirety, to pollinate further:
For the sake of delight
Take from my hands some sun and some honey,
As Persephone’s bees enjoined on us.
Not to be untied, the unmoored boat;
Not to be heard, fur-shod shadows;
Not to be silenced, life’s thick terrors.
Now we have only kisses,
Like little furry bees,
Which perish when they fly from the hive.
They rustle in transparent thickets
In the dense night forest of Taigetos,
Nourished by time, by honeysuckle and mint.
For the sake of delight, then, take my uncouth present:
This simple necklace of bees
That turned honey into sun.”