
a plethora of animal adjectives

well we all know asinine means like an ass and canine means like a dog (though that adjective has evolved over time into a noun as well), but did you know that 'noctilionine' is like a bat and 'octopine' is like an octopus? i was so happy to come across such a wonderful list that i just had to share it with you.
go here to get the full and glorious list. and then tell me which one you feel like today. as for me, i'm just zebrine, thanks for asking.


Gerry Gomez Pearlberg said...


Anne said...

I've never been herpestine, luckily. Today, I'm feeling pretty elephantine, but that's just because it's nearly "my time of the moon"

I LURVE the squareamerica site, btw - thank you, thank you, thank you for the link!

Anne C.

Anonymous said...

Please Madam, pardine my spots.

Anonymous said...

My hirsute hircine uncle Hugh sat across from me in the kitchen. He dug through the garbage, eating an old sandwich covered in coffee grinds and potato peels. BaaAAAaa he would grumble and dismiss me with a wave of his hand. His mind wandered and I could see his eyes drift outside. His wife, a gruff galline woman named Gertrude would peck apart his ideas until he wandered aimlessly butting heads with anyone. She liked little thoughts dug up and treasured and he wanted to travel, consuming everything in his path. I tried to shepard him back home but my lacertine tongue flew out missing the mark of any speck of understanding. "BaaAAAaa" he shoved me out of the way and went home to Gertrude's nest of cracked and runny love.

Julie R said...

oh my. oh. and oh wow. gertrude's nest of cracked and runny love? do you want to open a breakfast joint with me and we'll call it that?

christopher higgs said...

This is a great find! Thanks for sharing it.