sediment of the daily
i love this postcard from sophie. i just received it the other day, though she's been home for three weeks. i love how she says "rather." i can't really imagine her using "rather" in regular conversation.
Posted by
Julie R
11:54 am
Do you not want to blank out the part with your real name and real address? Just a thought. K
i second that thought.
i take you girlsses' point, but am also feeling stubborn. i am not afraid of revealing my physical address to the world. i would welcome an old fashioned letter from someone who would like to send me one. it is the fear we feel we need to have of this that has reduced the poor mailbox to a receptacle for mostly rubbish and this saddens me. of course i hope the revealing of my physical whereabouts won't give any psychopaths the bright idea to come knocking on my door, but truly my address could be found out easily many other ways.
but thank you tenderly.
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