
bit part

fragment sliver
cantlet flinder,

bit of shatter
come apart.

come to pieces,
split and shiver
fissure, rent

shred and part
shard and fracture

bit of shatter
come apart.


Anonymous said...

To be beautiful and obsessively marking every second
Fragments of time split up
Arguing like old newlyweds with grudges

Unclothe like a banana’s peels
drooping away from inside sweetness
The aroma of mushy black disappointment

Slipping like a clown again
the peels fly south
feet in the sky
big toe moon
the laugh track blaring
The clicking in my brain
Measures increments of folly

Julie R said...

o monkey..

you wrote that in ten minutes?

'the peels fly south'-- i love that.
and 'the aroma of mushy black disappointment'--

i mean, i never realized how much like a banana life is.